Which supporting documents should I submit with Form I-134?

Binder of Form I-134 supporting documents

When you submit Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support, you’ll also need provide supporting documents to evidence your answers on the form. In other words, you’ll need proof that the facts you’ve provided are true. Most notably, you must submit proof of identity and proof of income. Depending on your answers in the I-134 declaration, additional documentation may be necessary.

Evidence of Identity

You’ll need to submit proof of your identity. In the event you are a U.S. citizen, you may provide one of the following documents:

U.S. citizenship is not a requirement to be an I-134 supporter. Other immigration statuses require different ID documents. For a complete listing for your situation, use CitizenPath to prepare your Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support. The online immigration service is an affordable way to prepare correctly. In addition to your prepared form, CitizenPath provides you with a set of personalized filing instructions. Our filing instructions are customized to your answers in the declaration so you know what to do for your specific situation. The filing instructions provide detailed directions on supporting documents, how to organize your form, and where to mail it. Try it now >>

Proof of Income

In addition to submitting Form I-134, Declaration of Financial Support, the supporter must establish with evidence that he or she has the income or financial resources to support the foreign national beneficiary. Immigration officers weigh more heavily income that exceeds the requirement and is also reliable. In other words, a supporter with a stable, well-paying job is easier to approve that someone with unreliable employment. Provide supporting documentation to evidence your income.

Supporters who are employed with a company or organization can submit a W-2, employment letter, and a federal tax return to meet this requirement. However, individuals that don’t have W-2 employment can have a more difficult time. Self-employed supporters will need to provide copies of bank statements to show regular deposits that match the stated income and copies of 1099s. Again, tax returns can help establish a history.

Mistakes on your Form I-134 can cause costly delays or a denial.

Prepare your Declaration of Financial Support correctly and affordably with CitizenPath. The attorney-reviewed software guides you through the declaration and provides help to answer questions like this one. And personalized filing instructions help you to submit the declaration today knowing that you did everything right! No credit card or signup required to get started. Try it before you buy it >>

Applicant’s Own Resources

In rare situations a K-1 applicant may be able to overcome the public charge provisions of the law by submitting evidence of his or her own financial resources. If the petitioner is unable to show evidence of satisfactory financial resources, the applicant may submit to the consular officer evidence of funds or income from one or more of the following sources:

You must also provide a statement as to how the funds or income are to be transferred to the United States if the financial resources are derived from a source outside the U.S.

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