CobbLinc General Information
Customer service agents are available to take your call weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
CobbLinc Customer Service & Paratransit Center
431 Commerce Park Drive
Marietta, GA 30060
Open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Advisory Board
The Transit Advisory Board (TAB) regularly reviews CobbLinc operations and performance data, making recommendations and providing guidance on relevant matters.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) regularly reviews CobbLinc's services and programs offered to elderly and disabled populations, making recommendations for improvements and/or additional programs or services and providing guidance in these matters to members of the Transit Advisory Board and CobbLinc staff.
For more information, view the Transit Advisory Board page.
Bus Stop Cleaning
CobbLinc now offers an email address so you can notify us when a bus stop needs cleaning. Bus stops are cleaned in the morning but, if a stop needs extra attention, please send us an email and we will look into it!
Please indicate the Bus Stop Number and the Bus Route number so we can pinpoint which stop needs attention!
CobbLinc COVID-19 Response Updates
All updates regarding operation and service are being posted on the Service Announcements page.
CobbLinc Employment
CobbLinc and Cobb County are proud to offer many rewarding employment opportunities. Please follow the links below to view available positions with Cobb County or Transdev:
Learn more about a career with Cobb County DOT by checking out our Career Booklet!
*Transdev is CobbLinc's transit operator. Positions with Transdev may include bus operator, dispatch, paratransit, etc.
Cobb County is an equal-opportunity employer. Cobb County Government does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services.
CobbLinc Service Holidays
CobbLinc does not offer service on the following holidays:
- New Years Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day

Guaranteed Ride Home
The Guaranteed Ride Home program provides commuters who carpool, vanpool, walk, bike or take transit to work with up to five free rides home or to their car from work annually. It is open to commuters who use alternative forms of transportation. The program is administered by our friends at Georgia Commute Options.
Passenger Information
Passenger Rules & Reminders
Rider Rules:
- The first two rows of seats must be vacated for seniors & disabled persons as required by federal law.
- Using earphones/ear buds with audio devices, including cell phones, to limit the hearing to the individual user is required under Georgia law.
- Eating, drinking, or smoking on the bus is not allowed.
- Shirt and shoes must be worn.
- Infants must be removed from strollers. Strollers must be folded at time of boarding.
- Strollers and carts cannot block the aisles.
- Only service animals are allowed on CobbLinc vehicles.
- Bicycles must be stored on the front of the bus.
Rider Courtesy:
- Have your CobbLinc fare ready when boarding the bus.
- Enter through the front doors and exit through the rear doors.
- Occupy only 1 seat.
- Lower the volume on electronic devices.
- Do not use profanity or place your feet on the seats.
Other Reminders:
- Schedules may be impacted due to road, traffic, and other conditions.
- It is recommended that passengers be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
- At park-and-ride lots, please park in designated spaces only to avoid ticketing and/or towing.
- Keep safety in mind when boarding, riding, and exiting buses.
Trip Planning Tools & Tips
- CobbLinc is a Google Transit Partner, so you can use Google Transit to plan your trip!
- Use our CobbLinc Bus Time app (iTunes & Google) to track arrival and departure times (also available for PC users).
- Paper schedules and route maps are available by calling Customer Service at (770) 427-4444.
- Arrive at your stop five minutes early and wait at the bus stop sign. Buses stop only at bus stop signs. As the bus approaches, raise your hand to signal the driver to stop.
- The bus routes that service the stop are listed on the smaller bar located below the bus stop sign.
- The route number and next stop for each bus is displayed on signs located above the bus windshield and on the side window. If you are not sure whether this bus will go to your destination, ask the driver.

Boarding & Exiting the Bus
Boarding the Bus
- Let exiting passengers off before you board.
- Enter at the front door of the bus.
- Please have your fare ready when boarding the bus.
- If using cash, put coins in the coin slot and bills in the bill slot on top of the farebox. (Fareboxes accept bills but cannot make change.)
- If you need a transfer and are not using a Breeze card to pay your fare, ask the driver for it when you board the bus.
- When boarding the bus, please take the first available seat. If you have items to secure, please move farther to the back so you do not prevent others from boarding while you secure your items.
- Please reserve the two front seats for senior citizens and disabled passengers.
Exiting the Bus
- When the bus is a block away from your stop, pull the yellow signal stripe located between and above the windows to signal to the driver that you want to get off.
- Hold onto the grab rails when you stand.
- Exit through the rear door.
- After the bus pulls away from the stop, check traffic carefully and then cross the street safely.
- Do not cross in front of the bus.

Conduct on CobbLinc Buses
- Eating, drinking and smoking on the bus are notallowed.
- Profanity is not permitted on any CobbLinc bus.
- Bicycles are not allowed on the inside of buses. They are allowed on the bike racks located on the outside front of the bus. Racks can accommodate two bicycles.
- Shirt and shoes must be worn. Do not place your feet on the seats.
- Please refrain from using cell phones during your ride. If you must use your phone, CobbLinc asks that you keep your voice as low as possible as not to disturb others.
- Use earphones when playing music.
- Service animals are allowed on all CobbLinc buses.
- Infants must be removed from strollers. Fold strollers and do not block aisles.
- State and federal laws prohibit any person from interfering with the movement of a transit bus or bus operator, which is a misdemeanor offense.
- Riders and their belongings can occupy only one seat. Please do not occupy a second seat or block the aisle with your personal items.
Safety First
- Keep safety in mind at all times when boarding, riding and exiting the buses.
- CobbLinc drivers are well trained to operate the buses safely.
- All windows and roof hatches are emergency exits; each bus has a fire extinguisher.
- All buses are in radio communication with the CobbLinc dispatcher.
Bike Racks
CobbLinc was one of the first public transit agencies in the state to provide bike racks on buses.
The bike racks are mounted on the front of the buses and hold two bicycles. These racks are designed to allow riders to load their bikes from curbside. Most riders will be able to load and unload their buses in less than 20 seconds, which will minimize any schedule delays. All CobbLinc drivers have received the recommended safety training. Additionally, with a front-loading design, the driver is visually able to monitor activities.

CobbLinc Facts
Quick Stats
- Operations began in 1989
- CCT was rebranded as CobbLinc in 2016
- Budgeted $23.5 million for FY 2018
Operations and Services
- 9 local service routes
- 5 express routes (2 are GRTA Xpress routes)
- 2 circulator routes
- 1 flexible-route, demand-response service over 3 zones
- Paratransit service within a 3/4 mile area surrounding the 11 local fixed routes
Ridership (reported FY 2018)
- Total ridership across all services reported at 2,543,584 trips and 3,624,980 revenue miles
- Local routes: 2,152,593 passenger trips covering 2,605,470 revenue miles
- Express routes: 328,614 passenger trips covering 491,291 revenue miles
- Paratransit service: 48,957 passenger trips covering 295,961 revenue miles
- FLEX service: 13,420 passenger trips covering 232,258 revenue miles
Our Fleet
- 73 40-foot buses
- 19 45-foot buses
- 25 paratransit buses
- 5 FLEX buses
Other CobbLinc Facts
- Provides service to 8 park-and-ride lots across Cobb County
- All buses are equipped with WiFi and bus-tracking technology (Automatic Vehicle Location)
- Offers transfer centers in Marietta and Cumberland